Origin Story
What is Nourmal?
Nourmal came from the idea: ‘what would happen if you took ordinary, un-famous people and framed them as though they were?’ I call this my response to “Vogue”, if Vogue’s purpose was to uplift the everyday person. I created it specifically for Instagram: bite-sized, swipe-able content designed for people like me. The un-famous, unknown, not-rich, but still valuable in my own right.
This idea simmered inside of me for a year and a half pre-pandemic. Then, when there was nothing else to do, and nowhere to go I decided: what the hell? If not me, who? If not now, when?
I ended up doing ten issues before putting Nourmal’s Instagram on hiatus (I was traveling for work, and my ability to run this one woman show was too much for me).
After returning from two months in Montana working on an independent western, I felt myself longing to return to creating. This website, this production company, is my response to those longings.
As much as I wanted to go back to making the Instagram Magazine, I sensed there was more potential in this than just that. Culture is built by individuals. That is what Nourmal at it’s core seeks to do: create better influences through art and media that can help create a better world. This isn’t just a romantic concept to me. History shows us over and over that the passionate commitment of a few individuals can create a new world… for better or worse.
I choose better.
So yes, Nourmal is a production company. It is also a place where new creatives and filmmakers can find resources, community and workshops. I hope it becomes a place that people can learn and grow from others. I hope it becomes a place where they feel free to create with others. I hope it becomes a place where we kill the lie of comparison and embrace what each person uniquely brings to the table.
Nourmal seeks to embody revival.
Revival of the arts.
Revival of integrity.
Revival of human connection.
Revival of hope, joy, love and faith.
Art can be the vehicle for good if we allow it to be, so let’s allow it to be.